Monday, September 11, 2017

Pumping the Brakes - The Fall Migration Story

I've had a messed up ankle since a skateboard wheel-bite/loose ball bearing left on a mini-ramp at the indoor skate park incident this past winter. So despite building a skate ramp in our own backyard this spring, skateboarding has come in second place to everything else we have on the go in summer months. The one thing we dedicate most of our summer nights and weekends to is soccer.

I was out skateboarding tonight with some friends at the local skate park. They asked where I had been all summer. I explained the story about the ankle and the soccer. What I didn't get in to was what I did with what little spare time was left.

I was out looking for and learning about birds. The competition I have with my co-worker is still ongoing.

I took a trip to King's Park on Friday night. Aside from passing ponds full of geese and gulls on the way to the park, the park seemed like it was without birds. Almost... I didn't hear a single tweet, but a Broad-winged Hawk did fly right in front of me and perched up in a tree on the other side of the path I was walking on.

I had spotted and photographed a Broad-winged Hawk earlier in the summer, so I was still sitting at 139 for 2017. I knew if I wanted to get the numbers up, we'd have to make the trip out to White Water Lake. I wanted to get down there for Spring Migration, but haven't had a day with enough free time in it for a 6 hour round trip.

This Red-tailed Hawk was perched by a road side gas station on the highway waiting for breakfast to move in the grass.

We spotted 37 species in total for the day, with 7 new species bringing my total count up to 146. A very productive day with a stop off at Delta Marsh and Delta Beach, MB on the way back to Winnipeg. Oh yeah... and Mexican food for lunch in Brandon as well.

Cattle Egret on a fence.

Why "Cattle" Egret? Because... cattle, that's why.

Great Egret - White Water Lake, MB

Faith spotted this Marsh Wren hiding in... the marsh.

Common Grackle and Red-winged Blackbirds in fall migration mode.

Saw two Great Blue Heron (one on the why and one at White Water Lake) and a handful of Ibis (White-faced Ibis I believe). The Ibis were the highlight of the day. Such spectacular looking birds.

What's next? Maybe owls. In the meantime... this ankle is ready for skateboarding! With skateboarding comes connecting with more people. With people comes more portraits and photo documenting of everything. Hopefully. There's film to develop and film to shoot.

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